Welcome to our New Website!
November 2018
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website. This project has taken several months of careful planning with the wonderful team at the District - a website and design agency in Cambridge. Amongst the many new changes, we now have an entirely new section of the website for exhibitions at the practice. Take a look here to see some of our previous displays. We hope you enjoy exploring the site!
Planning and listed building consents granted for demolition and new build house in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
September 2018
Rodic Davidson Architects has obtained planning and listed building consents for the demolition of an existing Grade II listed mews building located in the RBKC’s Hans Town Conservation Architecture Area and its replacement with a new build contemporary house, incorporating an additional mansard floor and a two-storey subterranean basement extension. Working closely with Savills Planning and Turley Heritage, Rodic Davidson Architects developed a proposal that enhances the group value of the property alongside its immediate neighbour as well as reference the mews typology of the street. The highly context sensitive contemporary approach was agreed with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's planning and conservation officers as well as with their special Architectural Appraisal Panel. Prior consultations with the neighbours and local amenity groups ensured that no objections were received during the formal application process and consent was granted under delegated powers.
Japanese Paintings
September 2018
We are delighted to welcome Alison Turnbull to our exhibition space on Bury Place this Summer. Alison will be displaying works from her on-going series Japanese Paintings (2000 – present). These small-scale, geometric paintings are based on arrangements of tatami mats used in traditional Japanese interiors. Twice as long as they are wide, and laid out in interlocking grids, mats were originally designed to accommodate one person lying down or two seated. They act as units of measure, both for Japanese architecture, and for these intense and luminous abstract paintings. Alison Turnbull was born in Bogotá and lives and works in London. She has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally. Recent solo exhibitions include If Mimicry Minded (Matt’s Gallery, London 2018); Cloud Diagram (Art Seen, Nicosia 2016); Alison Turnbull (De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill 2013 - 2014) and Alison Turnbull (Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh 2012). She has also realised a…
The redevelopment of the Bristol and West Arcade, Reading
September 2018
Rodic Davidson Architects are delighted to announce that our mixed-use development in Reading Town Centre was granted Planning and Listed building permission at Committee Hearing this week. The project, which includes four buildings, is our largest ever and will create over 100,000sqft of residential, retail and office space. The permission will allow the creation of a new nine storey mixed-use building, the refurbishment of three Listed buildings, and a redirected public right of way through the development. The design responds carefully to a series of important historic neighbours, whilst significantly increasing the height in comparison to the existing building. This has been achieved by stepping back the upper floors, away from the primary facades, to respect critical street views. The front elevation facing Town Hall Square reacts to its very different neighbours on either side, matching form and materiality while creating a new cohesive whole.
RDA has successfully gained planning permission for a substantial rear extension to a Georgian terrace house in the heart of Westminster’s Belgravia Conservation Area. The proposals went before Westminster’s planning sub-committee with officer recommendation, and was approved unanimously by the sitting councillors. The consented proposals include the extension of the existing closet wing and the addition of an additional storey and a half to the closet wing. The scheme also includes an infill extension to the rear of the main building at ground and first floor, enlarging the rear rooms at these levels. To create an internal connection at lower ground floor level between the front vaults and the main house, the space beneath the front door entrance bridge is to be enclosed and a new exterior door to the lightwell introduced. This consent represents highly valuable additional floor space to the property, allowing for better circulation and more generous…
Bespoke Beat window exhibit
April 2018
With shape, structure, functionality and design being the key factors for both architects and shoes designers in creating a harmonious balance between interiors and exteriors, we at Rodic Davidson Architects are very excited to showcase our new window display on Bury Place which features work from Katarina Mootich Bespoke Beat. Born in Belgrade, Katarina Mootich started her fashion training in 1991 at the Marangoni Institute in Milan. In 1997, Katarina continued her studies in London at Cordwainers College, which is the training ground for many of the UK’s top names in footwear design. Mootich launched her eponymous footwear line in 2000 and in May 2005 Mootich opened her flagship store in Elizabeth Street (Belgravia). While fitting her clients in Elizabeth Street, Katarina realised that there is a greater need for a personalised approach to the making of shoes than a ready-to-wear collection could offer. "Immense diversity of the foot shapes + the individuality of left…
Construction work continues…
March 2018
Construction work continues at an amazing artist studio house in Chelsea, London with a stunning twin floating staircase! The before and after photos of the twin staircase show the progress of the stair works featuring the cantilever floating steal supports that have been clad with Dinesen timber boards. A gorgeous glass balustrade installation will be coming soon...update to follow!
Sketch concept for new build housing scheme in Suffolk
February 2018
Rodic Davidson Architects have recently been developing an exciting new rural housing scheme in Suffolk. The proposal consists of a large-scale masterplan for new dwellings as well as the conversion of existing listed agricultural barns and main farmhouse into residential accommodation. The sketches shown demonstrate the concept behind our scheme and how the development would be appropriated by the end user. The new-build housing would create much needed residential accommodation to the area and would be arranged in informal clusters on the site, echoing the ad-hoc layout of the nearby village. The proposal plays on the threshold between public and private space and seeks to create dwellings that respond to the community as much as they do to the individual occupier. The site is further connected to the village and nearby amenities by the introduction of new pedestrian access routes and the provision of new community facilities on site such…
Planning approval for Orchard Oast studio
February 2018
Rodic Davidson Architects are very excited to have recently gained planning approval for the Artist Studio in the rear garden of an Oast house in Kent. In its rural and listed surroundings, we have designed a building which responds sensitively to its context whilst providing our client with the much needed environment, volume and space to produce her work. The building is fragmented into 3 sections, gradually shrinking in size towards the Oast house. This form succeeds in meeting a number of aesthetical and practical challenges. It is a design which allows for sufficient windows below the roof line sections to be included to produce optimum working daylight within the space. The studio will allow the artist to work from home promoting a sustainable approach to flexible working practices.