Consent granted in Holland Park



The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea have approved RDA’s proposals for a substantial new upper addition to a prominent corner building in Ladbroke Square, Holland Park.  The planning consent was granted with the support of both the Case Officer and Conservation Officer and in spite of RBKC’s current policy CL8 which typically resist roof extensions to buildings already extended. The Officer Report commented,

“…an exception is made in this particular context as the adjacent property at 2/3 Ladbroke Square is two storeys higher than the application site. The proposal would partly obscure the uncharacteristic high level party wall which has resulted from this earlier extension. It would also retain the traditional subordinate relationship and detachment from the eastern terrace extending along the southern side of Ladbroke Square.”

“The revised scheme is of a design and materials which would preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area and the appearance of the individual building…”, and, “….would maintain the relationship with neighbouring premises in the conservation area and would not harm the setting of the adjacent listed building.”

This consent represents an additional floorspace of approximately 125sqm (GIA) to the existing apartment, transforming it from a single-storey apartment to a 245sqm (GIA) duplex penthouse.


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