Garden studio nears completion


Cambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden StudioCambridge Garden Studio

We have been working on an office studio at the end of a long garden. Two buildings have been designed. Both are timber framed and very light. The larger studio building is very highly insulated (using 150mm Cellotex combined with Super Tri-Iso) and incorporates a super efficient air-source heat pump. Calculations indicate that the annual heating bill will  cost less than £21 in electricity costs. The building is wrapped with a black timber rain screen over a complete wrapper of a rubber membrane for water-proofing. The rain screen is low-cost tanalised softwood, usually used for roofing.

Click for PDF Download with further pictures of the building work.


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