Groundwork pioneered environmental regeneration through partnerships. Earlier in the year, John Davidson OBE, Ben’s father, gathered together some of his former colleagues and suggested that they write a book about the formation and early years of Groundwork. Edited by Walter Menzies and Phil Barton, the book is a collection of the personal perspectives of some of the people who formed the Groundwork story in the early, formative years. John, sadly, died before the book was completed.
The book launch was held in Manchester Town Hall on Wednesday 31st October 2012.
The contributors to the book are: Derek Barber, Phil Barton, Douglas Evans, John Handley, John Iles, Lindy Kelly, Walter Menzies, Rob Morley, Yoshi Oyama, Adrian Phillips, Sue Price, Richard Sharland, Tony Struthers, David Trippier, Alan Wenham, David Wilcox and Peter Wilmers.