The RDA team have secured planning consent for two contemporary new-build houses near Clapham Common. The existing site currently contains two post-war semi-detached houses, which were built following WW2 bomb damage. The existing houses are considerably smaller than those along the street, set back from the front building line, non-contextual and of poor-quality architecture. The proposal sought to provide two new-build semi-detached houses, with basements and garden studios at the rear of the site.
Our aim was to avoid an insular contemporary design but also the dishonest pastiche of a revival style. The proposal therefore seeks to take cues from the historic context and offer its own identity in a way that will enrich the street scene in a respectful manner; the end of the terrace has been designed to echo the character of the surrounding corner typologies. A restrained material palette has been used, comprising of high-quality stone, brick, tiles, glazing and planted walls and roofs.
The scheme was approved at committee, with the following comments:
“It is considered that the overarching characteristics and features of the proposed replacement building would continue to respect the character and appearance of the adjoining urban context. In doing so, there would be no objection in principle to the demolition of this building and the replacement residential development is regarded as a positive contributor to the location.
With the demolition of the existing buildings, it is considered that there is scope (and policy necessity) for the proposed replacement residential buildings on this site to optimize its potential, while ensuring that the layout and arrangement of the replacement building would remain of a high level of design and physical integration with its existing surrounding, in line with policy DMS1.”