Suffolk Farmstead


Suffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk FarmhouseSuffolk Farmhouse

Building Work to the Suffolk Farmstead is nearing completion. The glazed link has been installed, connecting the structures – old and new – together for the first time. It is now possible to walk, dry and warm, between the farmhouse, the new kitchen pavilion, the rebuilt calving sheds and the beautiful Suffolk barn.


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